Neil Druckmann Says “Redefine Gaming” Quotes Published by Sony Were “Not Quite What I Said”

Sony recently published an interview with Naughty Dog boss Neil Druckmann on its official website, where, speaking about his next directorial project, Druckmann described the game as something that “could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.” It was, admittedly, a hyperbolic statement, and was followed by perhaps disproportionate backlash over how hyperbolic it was. In the aftermath of the backlash, however, Druckmann himself took to Twitter to state that the quotes that were attributed to him in the interview published by Sony were, in his words, “not quite what I said”.

As it turns out, the answer that Druckmann originally provided to Sony was, as Druckmann puts it, “edited” by Sony prior to being published- though the original answer that he has shared on Twitter is almost shockingly different from the one that Sony ended up publishing, to the extent that it flat-out just isn’t what he said at all.

You can read his full, original answer below, which is not only a more subdued response than the one in Sony’s official interview, but also speaks about things not covered in Sony’s edited version, including the success of Amazon Prime’s Fallout TV show.

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